What’s New?

Our Latest Product Updates and Features

At Learning A-Z, we’re always working to make our resources the best they can be. We’ve collected our latest product updates and features here so you can see what we’ve added and improved recently! Check back for future updates. If you don’t have access, be sure to grab a complimentary trial of any product for two weeks. Click on any of the logos shown below to jump to that product section and view updates for those specific resources.

Foundations A-Z
Science A-Z

Vocabulary A-Z
Writing A-Z


  • Easily Try Other Learning A-Z Products
    If you have an active subscription to any Learning A-Z product, you can easily start a trial of any other product(s) with a single click from your Accounts homepage.
  • Share Your Love for Learning A-Z
    You can now easily share a unique link to give friends and colleagues 10% off a Learning A-Z product (not available in all countries).

Foundations A-Z

  • All-New Explore Zone
    Students can independently practice at their own pace to unlock levels and explore new missions as they watch instructional videos, engage with interactive games, read texts, and more!
  • Phonics Skill Packs
    Expertly curated instructional and practice resources in the form of videos, practice worksheets, games books, and interactivities target specific phonics skills so teachers can enhance their core curriculum and easily deliver targeted phonics practice with the click of a button.
  • An Award-Winning Solution
    Foundations A-Z received the “Best Science of Reading/Foundational Skills Solution” SIIA CODiE Award, an ‘all green’ rating from EdReports, and the Research-Based Design for Instructional Learning Products Product Certification from Digital Promise.


Science A-Z

  • Science in the News
    Engage students in the ever-changing world of science. Articles address current events in multiple areas of science, as well as technology and engineering.
  • Build Background Knowledge
    Build background and vocabulary knowledge using the curated text sets within each instructional unit.
  • Build Vocabulary Knowledge
    Supplement your text sets with vocabulary resources from the instructional unit.

Vocabulary A-Z

Writing A-Z

  • Premade Handwriting Worksheets
    In addition to the Handwriting Worksheet Creator, Writing A-Z now has a library of premade Handwriting Worksheets across grades K-5.
  • Digital Writing Tool, WaLT, Enhancements
    WaLT now includes a versioning option to support educators who teach the same lesson to multiple classrooms, and student-facing spellcheck that makes checking spelling a purposeful action as part of the writing process.

A Cambium Learning Group Brand

A Cambium Learning® Group Brand